About The Artists

Brothers S. Goller and M. Goller are stone sculpture and painters. For most of the sculptures on this website, they selected the boulders, imagined what each piece looks like inside and out, used the direct method of stone carving where a fully dimensional form or figure is created for the first time in the stone itself, as the artist removes material, sketches on the block of stone, and develops the work along the way. Mother nature informs the artists with each rough stone’s natural color, texture, shape, weight and imperfections playing a part in the final dimmensional form or figure.

They sometimes use sketches to collaboratively kick around ideas on the sculptures. Sketches may be available on this site along with a sculpture.

They believe that there is no better artist than mother nature herself. They travel the world to find rare and unique rough materials and natural geologic items that they can transform into monumental sculptures.

As artists they can incorporate natural items with man-made and found items to create provocative combinations. They challenge the gap between “Natural” and “man-made”.

The artists are inspired by the work of Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Robert Rauschenberg and Jim Dine as well as the unknown ancient carvers and sculptors of jade.

See our Raw Materials page for a discussion on the types of materials the artists use.



You are invited to view our “Sculpture Gallery” for photos and info of all currently available pieces.

For more information on the Raw Materials and Stone Types we use visit our web page “Raw Materials“.

To contact us go to our web page “Contact Us” or send an email to info@modernstonesculpture.com.

To buy fine mineral specimens, crystals, petrified wood, rocks, geodes, fossils and meteorites
please visit our other website: https://georarities.com/.

a sculptor is a person obsessed with the form and the shape of things, and it’s not just the shape of any one thing, but the shape of any thing and every thing
– Henry Moore